What is ICARE?
5 Phases to supporting young physicians and medical students
Are you living a life according to other people’s expectation?
Let’s take actions for yourself and for others, instead of just wondering what is possible.
Douglas A.Mata,MD,MPH;Marco A Ramos,MPhil,MSEd;Narinder Bansal,PhD;et al:JAMA 2015;314(22):2373-2383
Five measures to support young physicians and medical students
5 Phases to supporting young physicians and medical students
Reduce the focus on exams and conduct interviews to obtain a deeper understanding of interviewee’s character and potential.
Reduce the focus on exams and conduct interviews
Emphasize collaboration instead of competition
Doctors without collaboration skills and a spirit of teamwork will not suceed as you know.
Education and training must be designed to develop these critical skills.
Test results often do not accurately reflect people skills like collaboration.
I think recent young doctors are very, very smart. Do you agree it?
But they may hesitate to forward a step after they can not go success.
Hire counselors, develop anonymous SNS questionnaires and encourage people to ask for help.
Breaking the stigma that asking for help is a sign of weakness is critical for the success of this intervention.
Make doctors’ health a top priority and increase rest.
Make doctors’ health a top priority and increase rest.
Focus on their strengths and facilitate dialogue to discuss and learn from mistakes
Focus on their strengths and facilitate dialogue to discuss and learn from mistakes
Please contact me if you have anything to share.