Entries by Sungho


I went to a hospice in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. https://ameblo.jp/sachihouse-fuji It was a very calm place where you could see Mt. Fuji up close. It feels like this winter […]


我去了静冈县富士市的临终关怀医院。 https://ameblo.jp/sachihouse-fuji 这是一个非常安静的地方,你可以近距离看到富士山。 感觉这个冬天已经结束了。 看来炎热的夏天即将来临。

Something great

I went to Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.   A very large earthquake occurred in Ishikawa Prefecture in January of this year. However, in the areas I visited, it seemed like […]


僕は、この動画を、もう何回も見ています。 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sin9M9boANo   うれしいときや楽しいときは、見ていないような気がします。 つらいときや悲しいときに、なぜか見たくなります。  


我已经看过这个视频很多次了。 我觉得我在开心或开心的时候不会看这个视频。   出于某种原因,当我遇到困难或感到悲伤时,我想观看这个视频

leap year

I’ve watched this video many times.     I feel like I don’t watch this video when I’m happy or having fun.   For some reason, when I’m having a […]


The other day, I took a taxi from Ueno Station, and the driver was a Chinese woman who couldn’t speak Japanese!  However, using the navigation system and automatic translator, I […]