Life’s Station

I read the novel “Life’s Station “.
It shook my feeling so much that I burst into tears on the bullet train.
They released a movie based on this book but I am not sure if I can handle it…;,(
Japanese link->



1 years later…

Exactly 1 year ago, I was at the final game of Rugby World Cup 2019 in Yokohama, Japan.

At the half-time show, a crowd of 70,000 people at the stadium sang “Country Road” together.

Back then, there was no coronavirus threat. The loneliness and nostalgia that we won’t be able to celebrate that kind of event anymore give me mixed emotions.

It really is like “Remember that time…?” from the lyrics of “Era” by Miyuki Nakajima.


ちょうど1年前、横浜で行われた、ラグビーワールドカップ2019 日本大会の決勝戦を見に行きました。

ハーフタイムには、会場に集まった、7万人もの観衆が、みんなで一緒に、“country road”を歌いました。



Ibu Robin Lim

There is a midwifery in Bali,Indonesia, that provides free medical care to any poor pregnant women. Donation comes from all over the world. Because they provide mother-child-friendly natural birth and commit to breastfeeding for the babies, I’ve always wanted to visit.

In Bali, Indonesia, there is a midwife named Robin Lim who supports childbirth, medical care, and education for people living in difficult circumstances around the world, including mothers and their families who have become homeless in the disaster and young mother-to-be who cannot afford childbirth bills due to poverty.

Robin Lim started the Bumi Sehat Foundation in 1995 and has established clinics in Indonesia and the Philippines. On top of that, for more than 20 years, they have been providing free medical care throughout the year (24/7) in disaster areas around the world.

At the clinic, more than 400 babies are born each year and tens of thousands of victims from affected areas have received help around the world. In recognition of her many years of distinguished service, she received the CNN’s Hero of the Year award in 2011 and the Earth Company’s Impact Hero Award 2016.

The Bumi Sehat International Maternity Center in Ubud, Bali, is one of Robin’s clinics. All expenses, such as hospitalization and operation, are covered by donations.

Something Robin told me left me in awe.

“We all think we choose our profession. But, in fact, your job might have been decided before you were born. God has chosen you to be the birth keeper. That is why you must take care of yourself. Please, take care of yourself. “

When I heard her words, tears started to come out and it just kept coming.





クリニックでは年間400人以上もの赤ちゃんが産声を上げ、世界の被災地では何万人もの被災者支援を提供しました。長年にわたる多大なる功績が認められ、2011年にはCNNヒーローオブザイヤー、2016年には一般社団法人Earth Companyからインパクトヒーロー賞を受賞されました。


「わたしたちは、自分で職業を選んだと思っている。 でも、実はそうではなくて、生まれる前から、あなたの職業は決まっていたのかもしれない。 神さまが、あなたを選んで、birth keeperにした。 だから、自分を大切にしなさい.自分を大切にしなさい。」


I went to a great Ghibli exhibition.
It was extremely crowded that it took 2 hours for me to just get into the venue.
4 million people visited this event and people of all generations came.
It was very good to know how the most successful movie was made from just one project proposal.



Broadway musical “Dreamgirls”

I went to see the Broadway musical “Dreamgirls”.
The live band performance, as well as the singers, were wonderful.
It made me want to watch the movie again.
I felt that language and culture had nothing to do with the way how people chase their dreams and how they feel about their friends.

