Sorry We Missed You
I watched the movie “Sorry We Missed You.”. main character works as a courier under part time condition. They describe the job as ‘Independent contractor’ and it was in name […]
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Sungho contributed a whooping 137 entries.
I watched the movie “Sorry We Missed You.”. main character works as a courier under part time condition. They describe the job as ‘Independent contractor’ and it was in name […]
I attended a Harvard Special Session in Tokyo.The session was hold by Professor Ichiro Kawachi of the Harvard School of Public Health.More than half of the students were from overseas.I […]
東京でハーバードスペシャルセッションを受けました。ハーバード公衆衛生大学院のIchiro Kawachi教授の授業を受けました。生徒の半分以上は海外からきていました。英語はもちろんですが、統計の知識をもっと勉強しなければならないと感じました。
I worked as a volunteer at the marathon event held in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima.My duty was transporting runners from Kagoshima-Chūō station to the marathon site and picking up runners who […]
My friend gave birth to her second child the other day. Her baby was born with a disability, and when I heard that the baby was in the hospital, I […]
I was at the lecture given by a doctor who has experience working in the US as a cardiologist and now works in Japan. There were three pieces of advicegiven at […]
アメリカで循環器内科医(cardiologist)として働いて、今は日本で働いている先生の講演を聞いてきました。 私が特に印象深かったのは、講演の最後に話していた3つのアドバイスです。 1.情報を集めよう 1度きりの人生で将来のキャリアは大きな意味を持つ。お金と時間をかけて情報を集めて、じっくり選ぶべきである。 2.自分がどうなりたいかは口に出す どうなりたいかを周りに知ってもらうことで、身近な人がアドバイスをくれるかもしれない。 3.この先全てを選ぼうとすると破滅する お金・名誉・家族の全ては手に入れられない。どれかは諦めなければならない。